The news this past week has been incredibly painful and heartbreaking. The tragic deaths of Ahmaud Arbery, George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and many others have placed a magnifying glass on the racial injustice that exists in our society. Pete and I have the privilege of living in a white paradigm – going for a run without fear, driving without fear, asking police a question without fear, raising our kids without fear of what they may face in their lives. It’s shameful that not everyone in our society can share this reality. How we react to what is going on in this country is personal. We all have our own ways of dealing with racism and the inhumane outcomes of its existence. Some of us will be sad, angry, afraid, or any combination of emotions. What we cannot be is indifferent. When we want to look down or look away, we need to look up and Be For Each Other.
At PES, there is no tolerance for racism. We are For Each Other.
There are many ways we can Be For Each Other: showing up and supporting peaceful protests, standing up against racism together. Another way we can make an impact is by donating to charities whose mission it is to fight racism. We hope you will join us if you are able. This month, PES will triple any donation employees make to fight racism. Ending racism is a responsibility that, as HUMAN BEINGS, we all share. Enough is enough.
Pete and Kelly Yunker